Community Service Projects

While ACT For America is the largest grassroots national security organization in the country, we recognize the importance of giving back to our local communities. Here are some community service projects you can do as a group to improve the qulity of life in your area:

Pick Up Litter

- If you live near a body of water, do a lake of beach cleanup
- Easiest place to pick up trash is on the side of a road or highway
- Always wear gloves 

Non-Perishable Food Drives

- Call your local shelter and ask what food items it needs

Vietnam Veterans

- Donate clothes, electronics, furniture 

Toys For Tots

- Begin collecting toys in October and November in preparation for Christmas 


Helpful Tips:

- Wear your ACT For America shirts while doing community service
- Designate a friend to take pictures during these activities
- Send pictures to and include a caption