California-Stop Zero-Down Home Loans to Illegals!

California-Stop Zero-Down Home Loans to Illegals!

Actions Taken

For: CA

EMERGENCY-Call the Governor and tell him not to sign this bill. It has passed both houses!

NO Zero-Down Loans to Illegals for Homes – Stop the Insanity in Sacramento!

California lawmakers are trying to BUY VOTES by giving away free housing through a disastrous housing bill that must be stopped!

Stop Sacramento from Crippling California’s Future with Reckless Housing Policies! California is already in a housing crisis—only 17% of residents can afford to buy a home. But now, Sacramento is on the verge of pushing the state into even deeper turmoil by handing out zero-down, no-payment loans to illegal aliens!

Remember the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007–2010? It brought the U.S. housing market to its knees and triggered a global financial crisis. That disaster began when risky loans were handed out to borrowers with poor credit, leading to mass defaults and foreclosures. Now, Sacramento is about to make the same mistake all over again—only this time, it’s even more reckless.

The California Senate Appropriations Committee is advancing a policy to give zero-down, no-payment loans to illegal immigrants—people who could be deported at any moment, who have no credit scores, and who pose a significant financial risk. This is a slap in the face to hard-working Californians already struggling with the highest housing prices and crushing inflation.

This policy isn't just unfair—it's dangerous. We saw the devastation that subprime loans caused in 2007, and the current proposal could lead to an even bigger catastrophe. The state's reckless decision to prioritize illegal aliens over its own citizens is not only discriminatory but also financially irresponsible.

Tell California lawmakers to vote NO on this insanity. Demand that they protect California’s housing market and ensure that homes go to those who have earned the right to live here—not to those who are here illegally.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Us Stop Zero-Down, No Payment Home Loans to Illegal Aliens!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

S Snider S
G Gallagher G